Category Archives: Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day Fun!



Hopefully, everyone had a great Mother’s Day!  The children had a great time making their special project for you!  Some of them were very comfortable making a video and some were a bit shy but I think they all turned out perfect!


Thank you for your help sending me an email so I could forward their special Mother’s Day cards to you!  It made the whole process a bit simpler.  We use the app Explain Everything to make the cards.  I took a picture of each of their cards that we made using their hand prints.  Then I superimposed a video onto the page and recorded their comments.  Some of them need a little prompting but I think they were pretty happy with their efforts!  Then we saved them to the camera roll as a movie.


I copied them off the iPads and saved them onto my computer at home.  And sent them to you!


 We hope you enjoyed your Mother’s Day flower pen bouquets as much as we enjoyed making them!


When I explained that putting the florist’s tape on the pen was like wrapping a hockey stick with hockey tape the boys really got it!


I wish you could have listened to their comments as they were making the flower pens!  Lots of nice comments about their Moms.  It was fun to hear about why their Mom might like a particular color or flower!


 Hope you all had a Happy Mom’s Day!

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Filed under Explain Everything, Mother's Day