Category Archives: Hungry Fish

Fun with Hungry Fish and QR Codes!


We have been having fun with a new to us app called Hungry Fish by Motion Math!  It is a great little app that lets the students practice their addition facts.


We have the free version loaded on our iPads at school which only has the addition operations displayed.

download (1)

If you want you can  download the paid version to practice addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations.


The object of the app is to join bubbles with addends that make the total!.


You can add more than two or more bubbles together to make the sum!


We have also been having fun using the shortcut QR code that I created for our class website.  The children can use the Scan app and hold the iPad over the code and it takes them right to our class website.  I have them scattered all around the classroom so the children can access them easily!


That is a lot easier than trying to type in the urrl! QR codes are fun!

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Filed under Augmented Reality, Hungry Fish, iPads, Math Apps, QR codes