Monthly Archives: February 2015

AR Dinosaur Movie Fun!

We have been having a great time with the Walking with Dinosaurs app and the My Story app this week!  Today we put all of our work together to create these awesome books!  The children had to take pictures of their favourite dinosaurs within the Walking with Dinosaurs app first.  This is the first time that the children had the opportunity to take pictures by themselves using the iPads this year in class.  They also had to postion their chosen augmented image of the dinosaur in the picture before they could take the picture.


The children had to make at least four pictures to make their books first.

photo (1)

They had to figure out what they wanted to have their dinosaur doing in their story and then take a picture of the dinosaur doing it!

Then they opened up the My Story app and imported their pictures from the camera roll to each page of their book.  As usual, they were absolutely fearless!  They didn’t even bat an eye and just jumped right in and created these amazing books!

When they imported their pictures they had to position the picture on the page.  Then they added text to their page.  After they completed their pages, the students went to our “recording studio” to record their stories.  ( We found them a little quiet spot for them to record their stories.)  After a few of them had recorded their stories they became the experts that helped their classmates complete their recordings!  I had a lot of eager helpers!

The My Story app is a great little app that just got even better.  With the last update I made I discovered that it now has several new ways to share the stories you can create.  The best option for our class is the option to share the book as a movie.  We were able to share each book as a movie, open it in iMovie and save it to the camera roll.  Then you can take the movie and upload it to Youtube.  We think we have uploaded the first book made using pictures created with Walking with Dinosaurs app!  The children had a great time creating these books and were awesome about helping each other figure things out!

I have a lot of eager students who are very keen to have their books uploaded to Youtube for the world to see!  I managed to get these ones up today!  Please watch for the others coming soon!


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Filed under Augmented Reality, iPads, My Story, Walking with Dinosaurs, Youtube

AR Dinosaur Fun!


We have been having a lot of fun with the Walking with Dinosaurs app.  This is a really cool augmented reality app that lets us pose with an augmented image of a variety of dinosaurs.  We use the photo booth section of the app to create these life like images!  The children choose the dinosaur they wish to pose with and what they want to act out.  Then I take a picture of them with the dinosaur superimposed on the picture. It looks real, doesn’t it!


We used these pictures to create a movie trailer about “The Day the Dinosaurs came to School” using the iMovie app.  The children had a really good time helping me with the captions for the movie trailer.  It was a great taking off point for a creative writing exercise about what happened with “their dinosaur”!  They did a great job!


Then  I used the Aurasma app to attach the iMovie trailer to their story.  I put the trigger image for the movie on their writing paper.


The Aurasma app allows me to attach a video to a trigger image.  The trigger image I choose is the little triceratops on the picture.  When they hover the iPad over the image it triggers the iMovie trailer to open and play!  Please come in and ask to view it with one of our iPads.


I will also be sending the trigger picture home in the next few days as well as the directions to view the image at home.  You will need to download the Aurasma app on your device.  This app is free at this time.    To view the trailer you need the link and the trigger image as I have not placed it on our public channel.  We used this app earlier this year for our At My School book we created on the iPad.

We have been having a great time with a new app called Chatterpix.  I used this app to create this little video!  You can add your voice and animate the picture to appear as if the picture is talking with this app.  Lots and lots of giggles with this one.

We have been slowly having the children take turns animating their dinosaur pictures using this app.  The children have to decide who will do the talking in their video.  Then they mark the mouth on their picture and start recording!  It is not easy to think of what your character will say for thirty seconds!   I have been attaching the videos to each  of their dinosaur pictures using the Aurasma app.  The Dinosaur stories will have two trigger images.  The dinosaur for the dinosaur movie and the picture of them and their dinosaur for their Chatterpix video.  Definitely a fun app with lots of possibilities!




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Filed under Augmented Reality, Aurasma, Chatterpix, Dinosaurs, iMovies, iPads, Walking with Dinosaurs